Although in almost all books or references on rhetorical devices available to students the emphasis is laid upon the usage of these techniques, in the case of our students and in our classrooms the emphasis has been mainly on mastering the recognition of these devices for better appreciation of the beauty as well as the meaning of the literary text. This is why, throughout this book, the effort is taken to mostly facilitate the recognition of rhetorical devices instead of emphasizing their usage techniques.
شما می توانید کتاب Rhetorical Devices In English Literature را با قیمت ۱۴,۴۰۰ تومان از طریق بوکت کرایه کنید
شما می توانید کتاب Rhetorical Devices In English Literature را با قیمت ۱۲,۰۰۰ تومان از طریق بوکت کرایه کنید
شما می توانید کتاب Rhetorical Devices In English Literature را با قیمت ۲۴,۰۰۰ تومان از طریق بوکت خرید کنید
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ابوالفضل خادمی
Although in almost all books or references on rhetorical devices available to students the emphasis is laid upon the usage of these techniques, in the case of our students and in our classrooms the emphasis has been mainly on mastering the recognition of these devices for better appreciation of the beauty as well as the meaning of the literary text. This is why, throughout this book, the effort is taken to mostly facilitate the recognition of rhetorical devices instead of emphasizing their usage techniques.
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